16: Finding Your True North : Career and Interview Insights with Christina Storey

In this episode of Style and Strategy, Sonya delves into empowering career journeys with Christina Storey, the visionary behind Her Career Coach. With over 22 years of recruitment experience, Christina is on a mission to empower women to embrace their potential and create careers and lives they truly love.

Christina shares her journey from recruitment to entrepreneurship, driven by a desire to support women in overcoming career obstacles and unlocking their full potential. Drawing from her extensive background in recruitment and HR, she provides valuable insights into navigating the professional landscape.

Key Points:

  • Christina's transition from recruitment to coaching, fueled by a desire to support women in overcoming career obstacles and unlocking their full potential.
  • The pivotal moments in Christina's career that led her to establish Her Career Coach, including witnessing the challenges women face in the workplace and the gender pay gap.
  • The importance of self-worth, self-belief, and self-confidence in women's career advancement, and how Christina helps her clients overcome these barriers.
  • Practical strategies for women to excel in interviews, including tips for answering common interview questions and projecting confidence through personal branding and style.
  • The impact of societal conditioning on women's career aspirations and how Christina encourages her clients to challenge limiting beliefs and advocate for themselves.
  • Personal anecdotes from Christina's career, highlighting the transformative power of confidence and strategic thinking in achieving professional success.
  • Christina's journey exemplifies the transformative potential of coaching and mentorship in empowering women to navigate their career paths with confidence and purpose.

Join Sonya for future episodes of Style and Strategy, where she continues to explore the intersection of personal branding, style, and career success. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review if you found this episode insightful.

Connect with Christina:

  • Website: https://www.hercareercoach.com.au/
  • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/christina-storey-hercareercoach
  • Instagram/Facebook: @hercareercoach
  • Podcast: Her Career Coach Podcast
  • Free Discovery Call: https://www.hercareercoach.com.au/bookings-checkout/discovery-call

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